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Falls Prevention & Rehabilitation

Specialist home physiotherapy programs for seniors are designed to restore and preserve this independence by strengthening muscles, aiding recovery from injuries, and preventing future falls.

Falls prevention
Specialist home physiotherapy can prevnt Falls

As we age, our nagging aches and pains tend to become more noticeable, serving as a clear reminder that we need to put in more effort to maintain our physical well-being. Our bodies naturally undergo several changes as we age, including stiffer joints and ligaments, decreased bone density, and decreased muscular strength. These alterations can impair balance and raise the risk of falls and accidents if they are not addressed. According to some startling data, falls among the elderly are not uncommon.

The NHS reports that approximately one-third of adults over 65 will experience a fall within a year. The primary causes of these falls include the natural aging process, underlying medical conditions, and hazardous environments like poor carpeting or slippery floors. However, early physiotherapy intervention for those over 65 and at risk of falling could prevent 160,000 falls annually, potentially saving the NHS an impressive £250 million each year.

 How an elderly person can be affected by a Fall?

Falls can have lasting consequences for older adults, affecting them physically, mentally, and emotionally. A common reaction is a loss of confidence, leading to a reluctance to go outside and a decrease in walking due to fear of falling again. While staying indoors might seem like a way to prevent future falls, it actually has the opposite effect. Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining muscle strength, which is essential for fall prevention. Additionally, getting fresh air and sunlight is vital, particularly for seniors, as the vitamin D they provide is key to healthy bones and muscles.

How can physiotherapy Rehabilitation can benefit Elderly

Maintaining independence is crucial to the well-being of many older adults. Specialist home physiotherapy programs for seniors are designed to restore and preserve this independence by strengthening muscles, aiding recovery from injuries, and preventing future falls. By building confidence and improving mobility, we help elderly patients regain their footing safely and enhance their overall quality of life.

 Specialist home physiotherapy is helpful for seniors after a fall, for those at high risk of falling, after a hospital discharge, and for those managing chronic pain.

 Specialist home physiotherapists offer convenient home visits, where they’ll conduct a thorough assessment to pinpoint your individual needs. They’ll carefully evaluate your range of motion, strength, balance, and mobility. Together, you’ll set goals, and the Specialist home physiotherapists will create a personalized program to maximize your movement and enhance your well-being. They’ll guide you through stretching and strengthening exercises, providing education and encouragement to continue these practices and improve your balance.

Specialist physiotherapist will

  • Will conduct a thorough evaluation. I will assess your movement, strength, mobility, coordination, range of motion, and balance
  • You will receive prescribed exercises tailored to target and enhance specific muscle groups. If there is any muscle or joint stiffness, you may receive soft tissue mobilisations or massage
  • Specialist Home physiotherapist will draw a treatment plan and give you targeted balance exercises if this is affecting your mobility
  • Gait and Balance will be assessed, and if needed, gait re-education
  • If you have had experience with a fall, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted to identify the underlying cause. With some easy and simple exercises, a Specialist home physiotherapist will help you to regain your lost confidence after your fall. I will asses your home environment to determine if there are any trip hazards
  • To prevent any further fall if needed, a specialist home physiotherapist will advise you regarding appropriate walking aids suitable for you.
  • You will be provided with an easy home exercise programme as per your need.


Elderly rehabilitation may include:

  • Exercises to increase muscle strength and balance and reduce your risk of falling
  • Stretching to prevent soft tissue shortening and increase range of movement
  • Activities to improve fitness levels
  • Advise on positioning in lying, sitting or standing to increase comfort and prevent pressure sores
  • Educating and supporting family and or carers on how they can help at home, and teaching safe and effective transfers.
  • Look at your home environment to increase safety
  • Advice and support on home aids and equipment to increase your independence with daily tasks

Book Your Appointment Today

Do you have any questions about our services. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free discussion.

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