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Physiotherapy For Elderly

Specialist home physiotherapy programs for elderly are designed to restore and preserve this independence by strengthening muscles, aiding recovery from injuries, and preventing future falls.

Elderly women in a wheel chair
Physiotherapy for Elderly


“The physical and functional priorities of elderly people are quite different from the younger population. For a person with balance problems or recovering from a hospital stay, getting to a Physio Clinic can be overwhelming and exhausting. People who are housebound or finding it difficult to get out to appointments derive some of the greatest benefits Specialist home Physiotherapy can offer.”

— Principal Physiotherapist, Nasir Shaikh

Unfortunately, as we get older we can end up suffering from many of the above conditions, as well as generally getting weaker and less steady. For some there is a straightforward ‘fix’ but for others it is more complex.

Helping the most vulnerable members of the community is a priority for Specialist Home Physiotherapy. Whether it is to help with movement, balance, or confidence after a fall, I have routinely provided treatments to my elderly patients in their homes. We reassure customers and stay in close communication with family members because older people are frequently cared for by their families. I am committed to helping the most vulnerable people in society, and I have 13 years of experience. I’ve been working with elderly patients in their homes a lot lately, concentrating on improving their mobility, stability, and confidence after falls. Since families usually provide for the elderly, we work to provide our clients peace of mind by communicating with them on a regular basis.

Specialist home physiotherapists frequently assist elderly people with issues such as limited mobility, poor balance, muscle weakness, and restricted independence. Physiotherapy will help you increase your muscle strength and balance, as well as your quality of life and independence in daily tasks. We also collaborate with your family and or carers to help you attain your full potential. Manchester Physio’s dedicated physiotherapists will identify any areas of difficulty you are having with everyday activities such as walking, getting in and out of bed, using the toilet or chair.

Book Your Appointment Today

Do you have any questions about our services. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free discussion.